Thursday, April 18, 2013


As I sit here today, I here the President speaking in the back ground about the Boston tragedy. I am taken about how short life is and how we should live each day to the very fullest. It is a shame how a tragedy can make you look at your own life. I had no intention of going religious on this blog but, that tells you a little about me and my faith and I "ain't" afraid who knows it.

While sitting here I wanted to share with you how happy, elated I am about my new venture. I am on a all time high today, I wanted to share so that if there is anyone out there reading this, that has ever had a dream and put it on hold, like I have so many times, please, please, get up dust your self off and get up make it happen.

LIVE, LOVE, ENJOY and most of all be HAPPY while doing it!.......................enuff said

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Wonderful Wednesday

I just opened an email, that stated "why are Wednesday's wonderful? I answer, because he woke me up this morning, allowed me on my way! That may not be the answer they were looking for but, it's the only answer that make sense to me.

Enjoy the rest of your day!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


You know how it fills when you made a huge accomplishment? Then let's chat. If there is anyone out there reading right now, I have something to share. Are you listening/reading?? Are you....really? Okay whatever, your lost. No I wouldn't do that to you, I like to share my good deeds, thoughts and kindness. I had a really bad, bad, bad, year last year. I think if I put it into words, I could make millions, and yes I would share. Question.....when do you know you have a best seller? How do you decide that? I guess authors don't really know do they? Until they get a phone call from their publicist telling them. But let me interate to you, if you ever have a dream, a crazy thought, and good support, follow it. I want to tell everybody I know how I took a leap of "Faith" and let the big man upstairs guide my feet, heart, and order I am!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Small Town Girl, Working a Big Town Job!

I can't believe that I have this great opportunity. I walked away from corporate rules, and educational values to land this great gig. Just a few step down the hall and I arrive in to a big city and bright lights. Who knew? I couldn't even had imagine this time last year that I would be here. I appreciate all the struggles, the tears, the hard work, the experience and all that other jazz. And last but not least................thank you, you know who you are!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Day Off .....Well............taking it easy!

My AHHHHHHHHHH moment. Thank you Oprah for that phrase, don't we love it? I have decided that I have been going at this WAH (work at home) thing like 0 to 60 for the last month. It's been interesting, thrilling, scary, rocky, but most of all FUN FUN FUN. This is where I'm suppose to be, I know it in my heart. As crazy as the last 18 months were, I see the light and the end of the tunnel. Ever feel like you on a path, leading to you have know idea? Been there done that! Oh let's not be crazy, life is full of the craziest out takes ever, until I had a strong religious faith, I always ask "why"? Now, I learn,pick up the pieces, pray, and "believe"!!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

No purpose to be the best.

So, I've been on this blog journey for a minute. Not getting much attention so, either I'm doing it wrong(possibility) or I'm boring (yes that's it) But, I don't care I'm gonna keep on blogging until I can't blog no more!
It's Saturday, woke up feeling kinda in the dumps, ate breakfast, watched Sponge Bob with my son, washed dishes and so on and so on, typical Saturday stuff. It's 4:28 EST and I'm feeling pretty good, much better than this morning. I sit here typing this blog and have a revelation that no matter how awful you may be feeling, believe that someone else is feeling or having a much worst day.I'm gonna take my own advice today and keep my head up, learn from my many mistakes, pray, and live life to the absolute fulliest.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

On My Way

I'm off  and running, things are moving steady. If I had to ask myself a question "Did I Do the Right Thing"? The answer is always yes. Have I had days where I  say "what the heck have you done"! Sure. Remember I gave up Corporate America, Community college, with great benefits for this. Some would say I'm crazy, my family has even questioned my sanity. I just had major female surgery, they probably think my hormones are erratic, well they are but that is beside the point. Let me tell you, I'm as sane as ever. This is my life, my dream, my future and I'm all in.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Off To An Icy Start

Today was a bit tricky, ice everywhere! Got up, 2 hour delay for my son. He was in a good mood, today is his b-day so he couldn't get out the door fast enough. I can't blame him because the power went out at 9:00 nothing for him or me to do. But, I have to give a shout out to the person who came up with "smartphones"! Can you image where we would we be with out them! So I was able to a least check email and get caught up with the world. 7 hours later the power back on, just in time for my son to come home and enjoy the rest of his day. Now all is great, power, heat, computer!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Monday Without a Plan

Okay, it's late in the evening, I'm still at my computer. I know my husband is like "please move away from your computer"! I'm getting ready to move but , not without leaving this. Crazy day, good day, soul searching the events that took place on today. Still happy, never sad, always planning my next move. Tomorrow is a new day. Will be a great day because on tomorrow, I was gifted with the greatest gift known to man, my son. So I will say this, no matter what the day brings, good or even bad, I will let nothing ruin God's greatest gift to me.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Mistakes Along The Way

Yes, we have all made them, even me. But what do we all know about making mistakes, "we learn from them"! Note taken..........................Moving on!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Off to a Good Start!

I really got this working at home thing down pat. I am loving life, my sister ask me yesterday "do you think you will like working from home"? The answer..........? I have had a taste of the corporate life, the educational life and now I'm tasting the "GOOD LIFE". Who new this could make me this happy. Don't get me wrong, I'm gonna miss my fancy clothes, high heels and most of the friends I made along the way but, that gives me a outlet to see them and catch up and plus put on my "pretty face".

Monday, February 18, 2013

Let's Start Talking #2 Recuriting

After we talk, we tell how it really is. This is the part where I can show you just how happy I am today. I can make you happy too, if you let me only if you want too. This is no way ever to try and talk you in to anything, just to open your eyes and listen, that's all listen. Trust me I am not a push over at all, I'm a small town girl, wanting to live a small town life. Interested?

Sunday, February 17, 2013

The week ahead.

It's Sunday, the weekend is gone. Usually at this time I'm feeling sad, time to start another work week, so not ready. But now, I feel great, tomorrow I get up, take my son to school, come back, eat breakfast, scan the channels and then start my day around 10:00ish. This is the life for me, you can have it, if you dream it. May seem simple or silly but, it's my story and I'm here to tell it.

Friday, February 15, 2013

The days end and I can say that I feel great knowing that I made the rules today. I answered to me,only me. Do you have any idea how that feels? GREAT. As we go on this journey, lets remember why we did it. Let's remember the way we did it. The main question we ask is "Are We Happy"?

Let's Start Talking

Okay, my life in short. Starting working when I was 16 at Burger King, this started my long journey of the work outlook. I should have known then this was going to be tricky. After that, went to a place called C&A good money at 18 still living home with your mom and dad. Seventeen years later, sick of that job, left landed a great job at Caterpillar, Inc. Great people, great job, the world was alright for me, things were finally looking up. Well, NOT so much, the economy tanked, who would image a "giant' as big as Caterpillar would be affected. Can you say lay off? Yes after all those years I was home, feeling worthless, not needed, bummer! And then, one day I woke up and said "this is great", I can get use to this, life at home isn't so bad. Reality kicked in, unemployment running out, time to get it in gear, find a job, "but I really wish I could stay home", I kept telling my self, but not pursuing. Okay get a call one day from a former co-worker send your resume, he says to me, there is an opening I think would be perfect for you. So I did, part-time, 10:00AM-3:00PM, that sounds great, not ready for full time anyway. Next, a full-time position came open, need to think about my future, benefits, 401k, retirement. It happens, hired, full-time, the whole ehchilladas. Life is good, I can retire from this. A few months pass, not feeling the same but, making it. Day to day making the best but feeling blue, asking myself, "I really love to be at home" working from my own house, my own rules etc. That is not possible, is it? Yes it is! I sit here and tell you it can happen and I've never been happier in my life. If you have ever had these same thoughts, these same feelings and think you are stuck, STOP! Let me tell you, this could happen, no matter the age, the job, you're in, it is possible. Come along my journey and let's start talking!